Just as we have done in the past, we are making a list of those who would like trees this Spring.
EXAMPLES of past Spring bundles are below:
Mixed Bundle #1 included:
Northern Red Oak
Indigobush (shrub)
Silky Dogwood (shrub)
Buttonbush (shrub)
Mixed bundle #2 included:
Flowering Dogwood
Paw Paw
ButtonBush (shrub)
Silky Dogwood (shrub)
These trees are all native to our area and come from the State of Tennessee. They have been chosen specifically for us by our local experts, including our area forester Brook Smith.
We also have dibble bars to loan to the public (an awesome tool for planting the seedlings in any terrain).
We ask for minimum donations per bundle to help cover the expense. Bundles included 5 species, $1 (donation) each. If you are not needing trees at this time but would like to donate or sponsor, we sure do need your support!
Call 865-325-2802 or email if you have questions or would like us to set trees aside for you. We are excited to be gearing up for Spring!!
More about the trees
12,438 and growing!
The species from past plantings are listed below.
These trees and shrubs are all native to our area and come from the State of Tennessee Department of Agriculture & Forestry. They have been chosen specifically for us by our local experts, including our area forester Brook Smith.
Common Name:
Eastern Redbud
Flowering Dogwood
Northern Red Oak
Yellow (Tulip) Poplar
Short Leaf Pine
Wild Plum
White Pine
Silky Dogwood (shrub)
Eastern Ninebark (shrub)
Red Mulberry
Smooth Sumac (shrub)
Black Cherry
American Hazelnut
Hybrid Chestnut
Buttonbush (shrub)
Roughleaf Dogwood
Chinkapin Oak
Swamp Chestnut Oak (lower slopes)
Botanical Name:
Cornus florida
Quercus rubra
Liriodendron tulipifera
Pinus echinata
Pinus strobus
Cornus amomum
Physocarpus opulifolius
Diospyros virginiana
Morus rubra
Rhus glabra
Asimina triloba
Prunus serotina
Corylus americana
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Cornus drummondii
Quercus muehlenbergii
Quercus michauxii
Fact Sheets:
Height 15' - 30' - click here
Height 20' - 30' - click here
Height 65' - 85' - click here
Height 80' - 100' - click here
Height 80' - 100' - click here
Height 13' - 20' - click here
Height 15' - 25' - click here
Height 80' - 100' - click here
Height 6' - 12' - click here
Height 8' - 10' - click here
Height 35' - 50' - click here
Height 35' - 50' - click here
Height 10' - 15' - click here
Height 10' - 20' - click here
Height 15' - 20' - click here
Height 15' - 40' - click here
Height 80' - 100'
Height 10' - 12' - click here
Height 20' - 25' - click here
Height 40' - 50' - click here
Height 80' - 100' - click here
Lets get planting
Know to grow!
Useful links are listed below.
There is so much information available to the public. Below are some useful links recommended to us to help with our project.